Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone
Being in a comfort zone means being in a place or situation where you feel safe and secure and
can work comfortably without facing too much resistance or demanding challenges. While this
sounds nice, in reality this means that your true potential is not being tested. It is a state where
you don’t want to try something new due to fear of the unknown. You think that by venturing
into something new, you will face challenges that could overwhelm you and eventually make
you fail. Many business people would rather stay in the same business or keep using the same
old strategies rather than make necessary changes. They are afraid of testing new waters out of
fear that they will end up losing what they already have. But sticking to familiar territories also
means rejecting opportunities for growth. Many people are afraid of starting a particular venture
because it might seem risky or difficult, and it often will be a trying endeavor, but they might
also find that they are a lot more resourceful and resilient than they previously thought, and
triumph as a result.
When you aspire to be a great business-person and boost your finances, you absolutely
need to step out of your comfort zone. Even if you believe that what you are already doing is
working for you, you can always put more effort or try a new idea that could yield better results.
As a business person, you need new challenges to progress instead of spending your entire life
working on the same process. By avoiding any moves that involve venturing outside of what
you’re used to, you’re also denying yourself the chance to see what you can truly accomplish.
The road to a successful business can be frustrating, difficult, or painful, but the fruits of your
hard work will always be sweet and fulfilling.
How to step out of your comfort zone:
1. Change your routine
Move and change the way you operate and run your business. By changing your routine, you are
allowing variation to take place, and variation leads to innovation. If we get stuck in the same
routine, we will miss new opportunities to improve what we have worked hard on to achieve.
2. Make the impossible, possible
Stop saying “I hate this, but there’s nothing I can do about it” Instead, push yourself to find ways
to make it better and allow yourself to accept things you can’t control instead of feeling bad over
3. Educate yourself
Before stepping out of your comfort zone, take time to learn as much as possible about the
changes you want to bring about. You can find out from other people who are already doing it.
4. Give up control
Letting go of total control in your company by delegating some duties to your employees could
be a good idea. Delegating duties shows you can trust others to do a great job -- even better than
yourself -- and it also incentivizes them to step out of their own comfort zone, allowing your
workforce to discover new talents.
5. Face your fears head-on
Do not let the fear of the unknown hinder you from testing new waters. Instead, face your fears
head-on and explore new opportunities for your business.
6. Challenge yourself
As an entrepreneur, you need to challenge yourself in order to prosper. Try doing something you
have not done before or something that those in the same industry have not dared to do.
Although it is quite hard to try new things in business, they come with lots of benefits.
Some of the benefits include:
1. It makes us more Productive
When we are comfortable with what we can achieve in our businesses, we get restricted from
achieving our dreams. But only when we push our boundaries can we accomplish more and
2. You will be more adaptable to Changes
According to Brené Brown, Ph. D., LMSW, research professor at the University of Houston, if
you put yourself to the task of doing something you wouldn’t attempt doing under normal
circumstances, you will be teaching yourself to handle changes in a positive manner. You don’t
know how far you can go unless you venture outside your comfort zone.
3. You become more Creative
Seeking new experiences, learning new skills, or venturing into new territories inspires you.
Trying new ideologies inspires you to be more creative by triggering your imagination. All the
frustrations that arise when venturing into the unknown give way to brainstorming new
opportunities and you get to view challenges differently.
4. It gives you a chance to Grow
When you take a risk and make a leap of faith to step out of your familiar ground, you will
experience growth. Not getting it right is not a big deal -- you will be gaining new life skills and
5. You wouldn’t know what could have been
Those who stay glued to their familiarity will never know what their businesses could have been
if they did things beyond what they were used to. Successful entrepreneurs take risks, fail, pick
themselves up, and try again until they get it right.
While it may feel scary getting out of your comfort zone, it is ultimately worth it, as you get to
reap huge benefits for your business. When you are afraid of trying new things or taking risks,
your business will remain the same. But when you give room for changes, you will be opening
doors to lots and lots of new opportunities.